Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Choose the design - Maybe switch it up a bit?

after reviewing the designs that the builders club presented, I started watching James Bruton's YouTube channel on his 3D printed R2 unit as well as BB8 version 1.

After he started onto Version 2... he started nailing down the dimensions and such following the clubs specifications.

At this time I downloaded and began printing the Dome in 1/4 pieces since I have a printer that can print that large now but wanted to see what the 1/4 piece version looked like...

All in all it came out fine.... I didn't like the amount of seams it was going to leave so then downloaded and printed the 1/3 piece version of the dome.

Took much longer to print these and days went by with re-adjusting the print because it would shift half way through the print.
I also learned that having supports is key to these angled prints.... :)

After a week of fiddling here we have 3 good pieces for the dome - still has seams.... however much better outcome.  Andy asked me... if I have a large printer why not combine them and print as 1 unit.... I said risky as the print will take days and anything can happen - power loss and all.

I then began work on the skirt and bottom of the dome.... oh well ran out of filament... buy some more!

I am printing at .26mm with a 40% infill and 4800mm/s speed on the MPCNC... seems to be the sweet spot.

Skirt piece 1 of 3.... looking good

Skirt piece 2 of 3... even better...

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