Sunday, October 23, 2016

Dome re-print (weight needs to be lessoned)

Working with Patrick Stefanski - much progress and insight to his challenges and skills at creating 3D items has been a great blessing on this long journey.

He found as I am, that the dome head is too heavy when using the original club spec dome pieces... much work is needed to decrease this and Patrick set out to cut out as much material as possible.

First the dome...

Using his tools he re-create a lighter version of the dome sides and embedded a center support for the magnet assembly for controlling the spin and movements.

Here are some CAD STL views of the work...  I started printing the first half (he did in 1/2 sections and full) as my CNC can easily print the entire piece (24" x 24") bed... I was nervous about the length of each print being 33hours+  so resolved to 20+ hours.

Notice the center support conduit... this is where the magnet holder will be attached via a 6m bolt that is roughly 4" long.

Here is another view of the front assembly.... it looks like the club dome but lighter.
Note.. the skirt assembly however is 1 piece now and hollow so the weight is significantly reduced.
After inserting the disco droid electronics, I believe we will have the weight down to 5lbs.

Here is a quick video of the re-print nearing the end... the total time for the front 1 of 2 was roughly 26hours and it had 3 parameters so I can smooth it out quite a bit.

The final product looks great... some minor sanding will need to be done alone with primering it to death....   the bad news is the weather is not on my side.

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