Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Posted latest BB8 Shadow Code to github - Smart Configuration

Latest version offers newer settings that auto calibrate the "at rest" state of BB8 when powering up.

These new settings allow less tweaking to my code when adapting it to your build.

Code changes below to getPOT and getMPU

void getMPU()
    float timeStep = 0.01;
    if (!isMPUCheck)
        Vector norm = mpu.readNormalizeGyro();    // Read normalized values
        pitch = pitch + norm.YAxis * timeStep;    // Calculate Pitch
        roll = roll + norm.XAxis * timeStep;      // Calculate Roll
        startpitch = pitch + norm.YAxis * timeStep;    // Store Initial pitch
        startroll = roll + norm.XAxis * timeStep;      // Store Initial roll
        #ifdef SHADOW_DEBUG_MPU
          output += "\tPitch: ";
          output += pitch;
          output += "\tStartPitch: ";
          output += startpitch;
          output += "\tRoll: ";
          output += roll;
          output += "\tStartRoll: ";
          output += startroll;
        isMPUCheck = true;
//    if (PS3Nav->PS3Connected || PS3Nav->PS3NavigationConnected)
//    {
      unsigned long currentmpuMillis = millis(); // grab current time
      if ((unsigned long)(currentmpuMillis - previousmpuMillis) >= mpuinterval) // check if "interval" time has passed (1000 milliseconds)
//        float timeStep = 0.01; // commented and move to beginning
        Vector norm = mpu.readNormalizeGyro();    // Read normalized values
        pitch = pitch + norm.YAxis * timeStep;    // Calculate Pitch
        roll = roll + norm.XAxis * timeStep;      // Calculate Roll
        yaw = yaw + norm.ZAxis * timeStep;        // Calculate yaw
        // Output raw
        #ifdef SHADOW_DEBUG_MPU
          output += "\tPitch: ";
          output += pitch;
          output += "\tStartPitch: ";
          output += startpitch;
          output += "\tRoll: ";
          output += roll;
          output += "\tStartRoll: ";
          output += startroll;
        previousmpuMillis = ((timeStep*1000) - (millis() - timer));    // Wait to full timeStep period
//    }
//    else return;

// =======================================================================================
//                          getPOT test data verify its working
// =======================================================================================

void getPOT()
  if (!isPotCheck)
    startpot = analogRead(A0);   // read initial trousers pot and set as center point
    if (startpot > 512)
      potdeviation = startpot - 512;
    else potdeviation = 512 - startpot;
      output += "\tstartpot: ";
      output += startpot;
      output += "\tpotdeviation: ";
      output += potdeviation;
    isPotCheck = true;
//    if (PS3Nav->PS3Connected || PS3Nav->PS3NavigationConnected)
//    {
      pot = analogRead(A0);   // read trousers pot
      if (startpot > 512)
        pot = pot-potdeviation;
        pot = pot+potdeviation;
      #ifdef SHADOW_DEBUG_POT
        output += "\tPOT: ";
        output += pot;
        output += "\tpotdeviation: ";
        output += potdeviation;
//    }
//    else return;


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