Friday, November 11, 2016

Finish cutting the skins (panels)

Tedious but fun...

Had to get at least 3 circle panels completed shape wise in order to find and measure (guesstimate) the shape of the first triangle...

Here is how that works:

The circular panels (6 of them) are traced out by using a world globe... YES a world globe!

This little guy is exactly 11" in diameter which allowed me to make this happen.

I took the already shaped PVC foam and placed them back over the 500mm hemisphere (which was used to shape them) and used it as the backdrop for stability.

I placed 1/2 of the globe on top and verified all sides were touching and tight against the PVC... this meant I was correctly round against that hemisphere.

I traced with a pencil the outside shape...

Removed it

Took a ruler... measured in 1" 3/4" or whereabouts and had another bowl I barrowed from my wife and verified it was in the center of the circle... I re-verified "measure twice!" that the distance between the outer circle and the new one was 1 3/4" apart.

Drew a circle using that...


Removed the PVC from the hemisphere and took up to the cutting table

Using a very sharp hobby knife.... "make sure you always swap the blades every 6-8th sheet..."

I cut out the circle using the outer diameter... of 11"

I then had templates which I started to create by printing out a design pattern that the Club members released for the details of the circular panels as well as the triangles...

I placed the templates over clean pvc and traced out the shapes

I cut those out and began using them as templates for the common designs on the circular panels.  I have a ways to go still...

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