Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trouble in Paradise!

This one was terrible... lost sleep lastnight thinking of how I was going to fix this.

What a PICKLE I got myself into this time.

Lets document what occurred after I finished painting.

I added the opposite side onto the cheese to finish the ball structure.  each side has a complete circle panel on it so I can get into the inside to work on the mechanicals.  At this point I think only Kenny Baker could have done that.

Here is a close up of the space I have to work on things... NOT

I placed all the triangles on it and placed the first circle panel on the top... wait a tick.

looking closer you can see that the curvature of the ball (cheese) and the panels did not match.  Infact it was clear the 500mm ball I was using was too wide... it was actually more like 495mm round but there was no such thing...  so... lost sleep on this one.

Reached out to fellow builder Patrick Stefanski who asked... maybe cut it down and create a slice out of the panel to sharpen its curvature... yes it will leave a seam.. but what else could we do?

I had a few circle panels laying around for spares (eventually would have used them for the creation of doors to open close for special effects etc... everyone asks me about the thumbs up piece.

Measured out straight lines... cut it... making a single cut.  Layed it over the ball... overlapping the edges... traced where it was overlapping and cut out the slice.  This will be my template.  You can see me using this template and tracing on another test panel under it.

Wow - perfect fit

There is a slight gap closer to the center, I will compensate for that on the LIVE cutting of the panels.

ok now to cut one of the real panels... here we go!
ok this time when cutting it I left the top without a gap and made my way out from mid point of the cut to create the slice.  oh I hate the fact that I am cutting into my art work!  hate it.

Oh my!  it worked... thanks Patrick, will begin doing the others now.  definitely will have gaps still on the outsides too so will need lots of bondo... tape and paint!

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