Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sounds and Lights Part 2 Final

Revisited working on the Disco Droid which I had purchased enough parts to build 3 of these things..

Added the outer female headers (30pin and 16pin) to connect the SD Card reader and Arduino Nano with integrated Bluetooth (BLUNO).

Adding the headers requires some taping to hold it against the board so it pushes the pins through and holds them in place while I solder the first and last pins of each side.

Here is the DF Card reader which basically allows reading in MP3s off a micro SD and playing them via a MP3 library back through a very light speaker.

Use of a magnifying glass is a MUST... my eyes are going as I get older.  this view doesn't show the magnification like it does where I am viewing from... its much closer.  I need this as I meticulously solder each pin...

Putting the DF Card Reader in place shows how the male headers are bending to support the width of the reader... good solder keeps it together.  Jim Yu did a great job consolidating and keeping all this together in a minimalistic space on the board.  note the ICs are directly under these larger card readers and BLUNO.

I would say... very nice soldering work here.. huh?

Ok now to start on the BLUNO side where there are way more pins....

OK those are in and now the MALE header pins where I plug each LED in to control the lights on the RADAR eye, PSI and other slots on the dome.  Here is the breakdown.

Output Pins 0-4         à     Front Top Logics (white)
Output Pins 5-9        à     Front Bottom Logics (white)
Output Pins 10-14    à     Side Logics (blue)
Output Pin 29         à    Radar Eye LED (red)
Output Pin 30         à    Holoprojector LED (blue)
Output Pin 31        à    PSI LED (white)
Output Pins 28-24    à    Optional 5 Radar Eye LED (red)

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