Sunday, November 27, 2016

Dome Changes

Further work on the body continues with me bondo and filing as I go...
All the while I performed some more head tests with the SHADOW code I built and found that the PWM calls to the head to spin in place does not work as expected... what occurs is the servo will turn in a particular direction continuously...

So... I re-wrote the code to allow for detach and attach of the servos for the gimble head spin.  This also brought to light another issue.

With the club head that I had painted and setup... the entire unit would spin thus requiring the 3 wheels to fight against the magnets.  This works for moving left, right and front and back... but for rotating it was difficult for the servo to fight against the magnets.

So...  I started to build the 2 piece dome that allowed the skirt to connect to the wheels and the upper part to spin on an axel that was connected to the magnets...

This also required Patrick Stefanski to figure out the remaining pieces of connecting the shaft between the lower magnets and the upper dome assembly... his holes were larger than the bottom shaft holes (6m) so this was now creating some issue...

I started printing the pieces and noticed the "ringing" that occurs with the printer... when its doing any sort of circle (hole) or line on the side it will create echos of it like water ripples from the line outward...

As you can see from this photo above... at 80% complete the larger radar eye circle has ripples coming from it... the lower HP hole also had it although not as clear in this photo.  This presented a large problem with having to file and bondo the thing...

Note here the lower lines that are vertical are even worse..... argh!

I spent days filing and sanding and filing... and started to spray it with several coats of primer.

Also connecting the lower skirt ring together...

Oh oh... forgot to insert Patricks wheel assembly in... oh crap!

ok I pulled one end apart and inserted the piece back in and re-glued it.

I used very strong rubber bands to hold them tight together while it dried.

Ok while that was drying I started the ever familiar bondoing the dome... 

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