Saturday, November 12, 2016

Finish the skins - the Triangles!

Since James Bruton had a lot of estimation on his design... I knew I was in trouble.

So I created the first 3 circle panels

Had completed assembling the sides for the Cheese that would ultimately allow me to form the sphere for the body.  These were printed all separately and glued together previously with Weld-on 13.

I hot glued (temporary) one side on and placed the circle panels following James' design of the print out to find the 3 locations where the proximity of placement would be.

I knew that in his video he indicated they were roughly 100mm apart from center of circle outer edge to the next circle so that helped to adjust accordingly.

I traced the circles onto the cheese and side to help visualize where they would sit.

I then slowly cut out a blank heat shaped piece of PVC making sure that I was close to where the sides of the circles were etc... I then got it down to a point where I could lay it tight against the cheese + outer sides.

I taped the circles back on and traced the shape onto the clean piece of PVC and cut it out..

I also over measured so to allow misfortunes where I may have not measured correctly and I needed a little more.  Its always better to take away from the plastic than not have enough.

Once I had my first piece cut out I then used it as the master template for all the others... (8 triangles).

I then began the perilous task of tracing and cutting out my triangles

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