Monday, November 21, 2016

Smells like Paint and Wood

Dennis the Menace quote...

However painting the panels and dome were the primary focus this weekend... my approach was slightly different than most builders... I started like normal with the primer, bondo, sand and then prime once again...

Steps involved with painting

Primer > white > mask > orange > gray/silver > touch up white...

Sat the panels on my ole trusty frame and started spraying the primer

Many of us use these for primer.. it fills very well and covers without having to heap it on.  Dries quick too

After a few coats of primer - we sprayed the panels with satin white (same as R2) and applied 3 coats of this.

Also sprayed the dome too... got all 3 coats on the dome.

While the coats were tacky dry I began masking off the parts that were to remain white or gray and then left the areas that were to stay orange.

Another view of a completed masked panel ready to paint

Scary! but without a doubt that orange is not touching the white areas :)

One by one... masked and sprayed each panel's orange area.  3 coats

Here I am masking the white areas off... I press into the seam so I can easily follow it and cut with a very sharp hobby knife.  Also notice I am using the straight edge of the tape to keep the sides of the orange tabs straight and true.

Here I am further into the masking... the corners of course need to be rounded off on the tabs.

Here is the final piece masked and trimmed...  you would think I have done this before... NOT

While I was busy I started to mask off the dome too.... lots of items to mask off.

After 3 coats of orange... we are on our way

Spraying the dome now too.... 2 coats and 1 to go.

Peeling the tape off... while the last coat is tacky... from afar it looks great... however there are some clean ups involved.

Close up... looks ok the edging on the tabs look ok but need cleanups.

And the dome... if you look closely the right side there is bleeding... "runny" which I will have to sand down some of that area and re-paint the white portions... no biggie... OR we weather it to death.

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